Alexander Morfov >> news >> 04.12.2019
Morfov's "Life Is Beautiful" staged at MNT tours in Belgrade
Macedonian National Theatre Skopje will tour in Belgrade this 8th December. The Serbian audience will have the chance to see Alexander Morfov's hit production "Life Is Beautiful" staged in Skopje in 2016. Host theatre of the guest show is the National Theatre in Belgrade as the two leading theatres have a bilateral agreement.
This is the third international tour for "Life Is Beautiful". In 2017 it was presented at the Fadil Hadzic Days of Satire festival. At the closing ceremony of its 41st edition it received the Big prize for Best production, the prize for Best female role (which went to Nikolina Kujaca for her role of Maria Lukanova) and the prize for Best male role (which went to Nikola Ristanovski for his role of Semyon Podsekalnikov). Earlier in 2017 "Life Is Beautiful" was presented at the IV-th Madach International Theatre Meeting in Budapest.
A Russian black comedy of the twenties, 'The Suicide' satirises the plight of an unemployed man, desperate enough to contemplate ending it all. The play considers the nature of humour; the hearts of the self-centred characters who will use anyone to further their own selfish aims; and the triumph of the individual, who keeps his dignity in a society where the slogan "for each and all" echoes emptily. For Semyon, only the prospect of death can give the individual the freedom to act and speak as he wishes.
~ Jo German
This is another proof of the international success of Alexander Morfov and his productions - attracting the interest of critics, developing theatre language, top prize-winners but mostly, conquering the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of people. Currently Morfov is working in Russia on his next premiere. Expect further details.
Аfter Nikolay Erdman
Set design Nikola Toromanov
Costumes Maria Pupuchevska
Choreography Inga Krasovska
Cast: Nikola Ristanovsky, Nikolina Kujacha, Zvezdana Angelovska/ Biljana Dragichevick, Sashko Kocev, Tanya Kochovska, Emil Ruben, Gorast Tsvetkovsky, Slavisha Kajevsky, Nikola Acesky, Alexander Giorgiosky, Arna Shijak, Tina Trpkoska, Alexander Mikik, Nikola Stefanov, Kire Giorevsky, Alexander Mihajlovsky, Maria Novak, Dragana Levenska, Nikola Kimovsky, Maria Dimitrova, Anastazia Hristovska, Sonya Krstevska
Read more about the production.
Event details:
8th December 2019, 19:30 h, Main stage
National Theatre in Belgrade, google maps
© 2019 by mdemireva