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Alexander Morfov >> news >> archive | 14.02.2017 

MNT's "Life Is Beautiful" selected for MITEM Festival in Budapest

     Morfov's latest production on the stage of the Macedonian National Theatre, "Life Is Beautiful", is selected for the programme of the IV-th Madach International Theatre Meeting in Budapest, organised by the National Theatre of Hungary. The festival will be held between 12 - 30 April and will present twenty-five productions from France, Russia, Romania, Latvia, Italy, Norway, Poland, Denmark etc. "Life Is Beautiful" will be presented on 19th April at the Nagyszínpad. 

     ...For the theatre gives form to the world much as “truth” forms the space of a play. This is a Newtonian law that penetrates the deepest levels of our physical existence. Perhaps we would not even be able to form an artistic idea if we were not able to take as the foundation of our work the promise of the ritual, of an eternal spiritual order according to which the essential moments in the life of a person “acting” anywhere in the world can only be truly beheld first hand, on the stage. The theatre is this deep. And now we again have a chance to bear witness to the depths and heights that are attained as we join hands with other nations, countries, and continents, since, enriched by their perspectives, we can experience the harmony of our own diverse array of colours. 

~Attila Vidnyánszky, Artistic director of MITEM

Booklet (pdf) of the MITEM Festival here

More about the festival here. 

More about the production here. 

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