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Alexander Morfov >> news >> archive | 19.11.2017 

Expect: "Decameron. Love in the Time of Plague" at Et Cetera

The team is planning the working process: Alexander Morfov (director), David Smelyanskiy (producer in-chief of Et Cetera theatre) and Alexander Gorenstein (set designer) 

Alexander Gorenstein, set designer
Nina Velegzhaninova, costume desig..

(с) Oleg Haimov

     The rehearsals of the long expected production after Boccaccio's "The Decameron" began more than a month ago. Alexander Morfov is currently staging his selection of the famous novel collection at the Moscow theatre Et Cetera founded and managed by the renowned Russian actor Alexander Kalyagin. The theatre is celebrating its 25-th anniversary season. 

     Costume designer of the production is Nika Velegzhaninova. Set designer is Alexander Gorenstein with whom Morfov is working on a second production after "Soap Angels" on the stage of Komissarzhevskaya theatre (2009). Some of the youngest members of the theatre company are cast: Anna Dianova, Natalya Baladina, Maria Mileshkina, Kristina Gagua, Anastasia Shumilkina, Elizaveta Ryzhih, Ekaterina Buylova, Evgenia Weiss, etc. Previews of  "Decameron. Love in the Time of Plague" will be held on 21-st, 22-nd, 30-th and 31-st December, and 2-nd January. Premiere dates are 16-th and 17-th January. Tickets are now in sale

     Years ago Morfov staged at Et Cetera "Don Quixote" after Cervantes. In his brilliant production the director versed the philosophy of the "Quixotism" allowing the audience a revelation of reality being born from mythology. Almost two decades later Alexander Morfov is again facing an Italian Renaissance masterpiece. There are few who have never heard of "The Decameron". To many, it's a collection of erotic stories, while to those who appreciate its poetical sounding,  a mystical world ​of ferocious love stories is unveiled. There is a reason for Boccaccio's name being among those of Petrarch and Dante.

     "... and you will see how sacred and mighty and how ripe with blessing is the power of love, that has so often been condemned and even blasphemed by those who know not what they are talking" - writes Boccaccio in "The Decameron". What is Alexander Morfov's production about? It's about love, of course. But love in the time of plague when the "black death" is stalking everyone and is lending you only ten days to live. What could you do in those ten days? 

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